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Amanita Mushrooms 101: Everything You Need to Know

Dive into the World of Legal Psychedelics with Amanita Muscaria

by Ryan W.
0 comment 13 minutes read

As psychedelics become more and more popular around the world, an ancient psychedelic has recently resurfaced due to its mildly psychedelic effects and less stringent legal policies–amanita mushrooms.

Whether you’re a beginner learning about amanita mushrooms for the first time or a seasoned psychedelic veteran looking to expand your knowledge, you’ve come to the right place to learn about amanita mushrooms!

In today’s guide, we’re gonna break down the different details about this complex topic into an easy and digestible format, so sit tight and get ready to learn all about amanita mushrooms and more!

First Things First: What are Amanita Mushrooms?

Amanita Muscaria (fly agaric) mushrooms

Amanita Mushrooms (amanita muscaria or more commonly referred to as Fly Agaric Mushrooms) are a psychedelic mushroom that originates in continental and northern Europe, as well as the UK, where it typically grows from July to October. Recently, this well-traveled shroom has even been found in other countries including Brazil, South Africa, Central Asia, and across North America.

Featuring bright scarlet red caps with white dots, a cream colored stem, and measuring up to seven inches wide and eleven inches tall, amanita mushrooms are definitely hard to miss! In fact, while you may not be aware of amanita mushrooms specifically until reading this article, you’ve likely seen them used in a variety of psychedelic and non-psychedelic media. For instance, remember the mushrooms in Mario and Alice in Wonderland. Those look a lot like amanita mushrooms don’t they?!

The History of Amanita Mushrooms

While amanita mushrooms have only started gainly popularity in the U.S. market within the last year or so relative to other adult-focused consumables like tobacco or shisha, these mushrooms have a pretty fascinating history! For example, several indigenous peoples used amanitas for spiritual or entheogenic purposes.

And get this – in parts of Asia over 4,000 years ago, fly agaric was actually considered sacred and used to make a ritual drink called ‘soma’ that induced hallucinations. Pretty wild, huh?

In areas that we now know as Scandinavia, shamans used to collect these beautiful mushrooms and dry them out. Then, during food shortages in the winter, they would pass them out to locals who would brew up a hallucinogenic tea. And, believe it or not, some people even drank their own urine to get even more use out of the tea because the active agents in the mushroom tea remained intact after being processed by the kidneys.

But don’t worry, these days, modern-day consumption of amanita mushrooms doesn’t involve any urine. There are plenty of mushrooms to go around, and products are even being made with the mushroom’s extracts.

Are Amanita Mushrooms Psychedelic?

Without a doubt, amanita mushrooms are definitely psychedelic; however, its psychedelic effects differ from those induced by psiloycbin mushrooms.

When consumed in moderate doses, users report experiencing an overall body relaxation, internal retrospection, and sometimes, even auditory hallucinations. In larger doses, others have even reported visual hallucinations, spatial disorientation, and even changes in the awareness of time.

Muscimol is the primary active compound found in amanita mushrooms, and is solely responsible for its psychedelic effects. In addition, ibotenic acid is also found present in amanita mushrooms, which gets converted into muscimol through decarboxylation.

Are Amanita Mushrooms Poisonous?

Like psyilocybin and other psychedelic compounds, amanita mushrooms are indeed “poisonous”; however, in most cases, they aren’t lethal. Amanita mushrooms can; however, cause you to feel very sick–especially when consumed raw or in very large doses.

Interestingly, scientists actually misclassified these mushrooms as a deadly poison because of the toxins in Amanita species, but even though we know better now, that misidentification still sticks around, which is why you’ll find a weird skull and crossbones icon next to the Amanita Muscaria name in almost every mushroom field guide.

While the muscimol and ibotenic acid content will vary from species to species, and effects can vary for each individual depending on a variety of factors, it’s always best to start with a minimal dose and never consume too much, which some experts claim is 15-20 caps or the extract equivalent.

What is an Amanita Mushroom Trip Like?

What Does an Amanita Mushroom Trip Feel Like?

When it comes to Amanita muscaria, the high you’ll experience is actually pretty different from what you’d get with psilocybin. Typically, the effects start to kick in about 30 to 90 minutes after you’ve ingested the mushroom. People often report having strong visions and religious insights, but interestingly, these experiences often happen after the user has fallen asleep. In their dreams, they see these incredible visions and learn some valuable lessons.

In addition, people often report having dream-like sensations, and the high itself has been described as quite “strange.”

Another common experience during an Amanita muscaria trip is the looping sensation – users report feeling like they’re doing things on repeat. This could be due to the deliriant nature of the mushroom, which can make it difficult for people to distinguish between what’s real and what’s not.

Overall, experiences with Amanita muscaria can vary pretty widely. Some users report feeling nothing at all, while others have major trips that leave them with a lot of new questions in the morning. Some people feel euphoric, while others feel sick and scared. Ultimately, the effects can last anywhere from 4 to 10 hours, and it’s generally considered to be an unpredictable experience.

Potential Benefits of Amanita Mushrooms

Fly Agaric Mushrooms

Although amanita muscaria mushrooms have a rich history of spiritual use and are known for their hallucinogenic effects, recent studies suggest that they may also offer therapeutic value. The active compounds in these mushrooms have been extensively studied, with over 3,200 scientific journal articles published on muscimol, amanita muscaria, and ibotenic acid.

Here is a list of just several of the most promising potential benefits amanita muscaria has to offer:

Stress and Anxiety Support

One of the most prominent effects of amanita mushrooms is their ability to induce a state of tranquility and mental ease. Unlike psilocybin, which can be overwhelming for people with high levels of anxiety or stress, the active agent in amanita mushrooms is less intense, making them a promising source for targeting certain mental challenges like stress and anxiety.

Sleep Support

Additionally, muscimol has been found to enhance the duration of REM sleep by interacting with GABA receptors. Many people have reported that amanita muscaria helps them fall asleep and stay asleep.

Pain and Inflammatory Support

In terms of pain and inflammation, research published in 2014 found muscimol to be an effective agent for targeting neuropathic pain, which is often challenging to treat. Even small doses were capable of offering some improvement in pain levels. Earlier studies also found that extracts from amanita muscaria are useful for reducing inflammatory pain.

While more research is needed to fully understand the therapeutic potential of amanita muscaria, these early findings are promising and offer exciting possibilities for the future.

Ways to Take Amanita Mushrooms

Traditionally, amanita mushrooms have been consumed raw, cooked, or as a tea; however, with recent manufacturing developments, the primary active compounds in amanita mushrooms (muscimol and ibotenic acid) can be extracted and infused in a variety of products including:

  • Edibles (gummies, chocolates, and candies)
  • Beverages (waters, seltzes, and sodas)
  • Vapes (disposable vapes, vape carts)

Recently, we’ve already started to see these types of products start to appear on the market! For example, a well-recognized brand in the cannabis industry, Galaxy Treats, recently launched their line of Moon Shrooms Amanita Mushroom Gummies!

As the market continues to develop, we’re confident there will more and more ways for consumers to use amanita mushrooms.

How Much Should You Take?

When taking any new type of psychedelic product, it’s best to always start with a minimal dosage. Of course, the dosage will vary widely depending on the consumption method.

As we previously discussed, consuming amanita mushrooms raw may induce nausea, and is not recommended; however, in all other formats, the general minimal dosage we’ve found based on our research is 300mg-500mg of amanita extract. Depending on how you react to this dosage, you can decrease or increase your dosage based on your unique situation.

Additionally it’s important to note that amanita mushrooms effect each person differently. For example, in our research, we’ve found that one user who took 350mg of amanita extract experienced a full on trip; however, another user took 700mg and didn’t feel anything. This could be due to a wide variety of factors; however, the point that amanita effects everyone differently remains.

Disclaimer: We are not a medical expert and this is not an official dosage recommendation. When taking any new product or supplement, you should always consult with your doctor first.

Are Amanita Mushrooms Legal?

Are Amanita Mushrooms Legal

The legal status of Amanita muscaria is a topic of interest for many people around the world. Currently, in the United States, this mushroom is legal (except for Louisiana, where it is only allowed for decorative purposes). In fact, the legal status of Amanita muscaria has given rise to Florida’s first and only shroom dispensary, which sells this mushroom instead of its prohibited cousin, psilocybin.

Similarly, in Canada, Amanita muscaria is legal, but it can be subject to regulations under the Food and Drug Act. However, it’s worth noting that the mushroom itself, as well as products made from or containing Amanita muscaria, do not appear to have ever been approved for commercial sale or medical use in Canada.

Amanita muscaria is also legal in several other countries, including Sweden, Ireland, and Russia. However, it is illegal in other countries such as Australia, Romania, the Netherlands, and Thailand. It’s important to keep in mind that the legal status of Amanita muscaria can vary depending on the country, and individuals should always check their local laws and regulations before obtaining or using this mushroom.

The Future is Looking Bright for Amanita Mushrooms

As awareness for amanita mushrooms as a potential legal psychedelic alternative to psilocybin continues to bloom, this market will undoubtedly grow alongside it! We’re excited to watch it happen in real time, but what we’re most excited about is the opportunity to share information about amanita muscaria with the world!

We appreciate you taking the time to read this article and we hope it helped answer all your questions and more! If you have any additional questions or comments, don’t hesitate to drop us a message in the comments below and be sure to stay tuned for our next guide!

Until then, good day and happy trippin’!

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